7 Ways to Support Small Businesses (for free!)

Supporting local, small businesses is one of the most rewarding ways to combat the guilt of reinforcing corporate greed under capitalism. If we must participate in this economic system, we might as well feel good about it. Small businesses are the cornerstone to shopping ~somewhat~ ethically. When you support local, you reinforce to someone that what they’re doing matters, that their dreams can come true, and that you can thrive in a society where you are your own boss. When you support local, you reinforce to yourself that your money matters, that you care for others, and that your participation…

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Welcome to the Shop Small Vancouver blog!

Hello and welcome! We are Shop Small Vancouver. What started as a shower thought in December of 2020 is now an online directory, social purpose-focused brand, fundraising resource hub, small business booster, and all around internet happy place. Right now we're focused on building out our directory with micro to mid sized small businesses. We believe: every dollar circulated within the local economy goes further than a dollar given to a corporation there is great power and strength in local community, in mutual aid, in neighborhoods to organize, bolster, and support one another artists + creators + artisans + makers…

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